Mighty Banyan Early Scholar (MBES) Checklist

Orientation June 11 – Classes begin June 12

  • Summer 2024 – distance learning only full-time
  • Fall 2024 – on-campus part-time
  • Spring 2025 – on-campus full-time

  • Plan now for Summer and Fall.
  • Satisfactory academic performance in the Summer is required to remain in the MBES program.
  • Missing or late documents, incomplete financial aid verification, and late registration may require you to pay your bill without financial assistance. Please make sure all required items are received on time.
  • Any items in a language other than English require a professional translation. International university transcripts require course-by-course credential evaluation.
  • Academic Calendar (coming soon).

Due Immediately

Due Immediately:

Due by June 7:

Summer 2024 bills will be available mid-May and are due June 1. Fall 2024 bills will be available July 1 and are due August 1.

  • The amount of your basic NCF bill – tuition and fees, campus housing, and meal plan – will depend on your tuition residency (out-of-state or Florida), and your housing assignment and meal plan. NCF is a residential college, so students are expected to live on campus for at least two years (unless approved for off-campus), and all students are expected to break bread together through participation in the meal plan.
  • After approved scholarship funding and any federal or need-based aid is applied, you’re responsible for paying any remaining fall balance by August 1.
  • Missing or late documents, incomplete financial aid verification, and late registration may require you to pay your bill without financial assistance. Please make sure we have all of your required items on time.
  • You’re always able to see your financial bill online in the myNCF Portal

Here are the steps to view and pay your bill:

  • Sign into myNCF Portal.
  • Click the Self Service Student tile.
  • Select View and Pay Bill.
  • Click Make a Payment (select the payment to be made).

NCF accepts payments online using a credit card or eCheck. Handwritten checks may also be delivered in person to the START Center and/or mailed to:

New College of Florida Finance Office 5800 Bay Shore Road Sarasota, FL 34243

  • Payment Plans New College of Florida offers Payment Plan Options to help spread out any student finance charges. Visit the Student Accounts and Cashier page for more information.
  • Set up Payee Designee NCF sends all financial information to your email on a monthly basis. In order for your parents/guardians to view your Student Financial Statements and make payments, you will need to set them up as a payee.
    • Sign into the myNCF Portal.
    • Click on the Student Self-Service tile.
    • View and Pay Bill.
    • Scroll down to the middle of the page, “Do you want Help Paying?”
    • Choose ‘Send a payer invitation (fill in payee information)
    • The payee will receive an email with instructions to complete this sign up.

Contact the START Center [email protected] or 941-487-4635

Required of all regardless of classification

Florida tuition rates require documentation, review, and approval

In order to be classified as a Florida resident for tuition purposes, the student or the student’s parent/legal guardian must have established Bona Fide Domicile and legal ties to the state of Florida at least 12 consecutive months prior to the first day of the term in which the student is seeking in-state residency status. Florida Statute Section 1009.21 provides information on the criteria required by the State of Florida – Residency Declaration Form

If you have questions about the form and documents, contact Admissions at 941-487-5000. A missing Florida Residency Declaration, or one that does not meet state requirements for tuition will require us to adjust tuition to the out-of-state rate.

All students are required to provide documentation regarding immunity to Measles and Rubella, and statements regarding vaccination against Hepatitis B and Meningitis. Students on the F-1 visa are required to provide results of a tuberculosis test and proof of health insurance that meets the requirements of Florida Board of Governors Regulation 6.009.

The immunization form is required for students to register for housing, classes, and Financial Aid at New College.

Submit to: New College of Florida Counseling & Wellness Center 5800 Bay Shore Road Sarasota, FL 34243 Fax: 941-487-4256 or contact Counseling and Wellness: Marguerite Perretta [email protected] or 941-487-4254

On campus for fall – register for housing NOW

  • All students are required to apply for housing and matching meal plan (Residential Life) via the Housing Registration tile in your myNCF portal (due immediately)
  • Register for NCFSafe emergency notifications using the Self Service Student tile in the myNCF portal  

Questions? Contact Housing & Residential Life [email protected] or 941-487- 4507

  • US Citizens, Permanent Resident Aliens, Eligible Non-Citizens: Apply for need-based aid and federal student loans using the 24-25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) (asap).
  • If you are receiving scholarship funds from an organization outside of New College, please arrange for the scholarship funds to be sent directly to the Office of Financial Aid at the college address.
  • Financial Aid To-Do List – Check your Financial Aid Requirements and complete verification and any other requirements (as soon as possible).
    • Go to myncf.81623464.com  and log into your myNCF App Gateway Select “Self Service Student” In the Financial Aid box, select the link for Financial Aid Select the “Home” Financial aid requirements will appear in a list here. Any outstanding requirements will be listed at the top with the flag “Needed.” Fulfilled requirements will appear at the bottom with the flag “Complete” *NOTE: You only need to complete the Entrance Counseling requirement if you wish to borrow federal student loans. You can complete Entrance Counseling online at http://studentaid.gov/entrance-counseling/
  • View your award: Sign into myNCF Click the Self Service Student tile  In the Financial Aid box, click on the Financial Aid link. Select the Award Offer link at the top of the screen.
  • Florida resident HS students: submit your Florida Financial Aid Application (FFAA) by high school graduation. Review your Financial Aid Award (to accept federal loans, complete Master Promissory Note and Entrance Counseling at studentaid.gov

All students are required to have their school send all official transcripts directly to NCF Admissions from each high school and college attended, including college transcripts for dual enrollment and summer college courses.

Official Test Scores* — SAT or ACT or CLT scores must come directly from the testing agency, using the codes College Board (SAT) #5506 or American College Testing Program (ACT) #0750  or be included on your official school transcript.

Send APIBAICE, and CLEP scores directly from the testing agency to the NCF Registrar.

Final Official Transcripts — Have your school send final transcripts (with date of high school graduation) to New College directly from each school and college. *We are unable to accept faxed standardized test scores as official.

Place orders for all final official high school and college transcripts and exam scores so they arrive by June 7.

If you seek any disability accommodation (learning, dorm, meal plan), complete a New Student Request form and consult with the Accessible Learning Center (before July 1)

  • Summer orientation will be remote on June 11 – look for an email from NCF or contact Manuel LopezZafra for more information. For Fall, all students are required to register for Orientation (prior to July 1) and encouraged to register for an optional Welcome Wednesday session.
  • The START Center staff will be available at Welcome Wednesdays and Orientation to assist with forms related to payment and refunds, as well as privacy release, ID cards, and parking permits.
  • Approve access to your educational records – FERPA Consent to Disclosure form (highly recommended)

All students are required  to complete the Focus 2 Career Assessment

Career exploration and preparation will be essential aspects of your New College experience. You are required to meet individually with your assigned Career Coach for career exploration in your first year. To prepare for your career exploration appointment, take the comprehensive career assessment, Focus 2, to explore your interests, possible AOCs (majors), and career options. Your assigned Career Coach will review your Focus 2 in your first appointment. To access the Focus 2, click “Register”, complete your profile, and use the access code ncf.

Career Engagement & Opportunity (CEO) [email protected] or 941-487-5002.

Aug 18-21: Move In and Orientation

Aug 22-23: Mini Classes

Aug 26: First Day of Classes