Whether you are interested in analyzing consumer transactions, tweets, call data records, or creating stunning visualizations, you will find that the concepts and techniques covered in our Data Science program will be employable in the workforce or a foundation for graduate studies.

About the Data Science Area of Concentration
Data Science is an interdisciplinary field formed from the amalgamation of Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics that aims to solve complex problems by revealing information hidden in large datasets known as Big Data. As today’s businesses and IT systems continue to produce massive and ever-increasing amounts of digital data, the need for Data Scientists is greater than ever.
The area of concentration starts with courses that form the foundational knowledge and skills in mathematics, statistics, computer programming, databases and data munging, followed by more advanced courses on statistical models, algorithms, distributed computing, software engineering and machine learning. Students will then complete a senior thesis in data science in any domain of their interest. They can also pursue an interdisciplinary area under the supervision of one or more faculty.

Earn your Undergrad & Graduate Degrees in 5 years!
New College students who complete the second year of their studies in any area of concentration are encouraged to follow the accelerated 3+2 curriculum to earn their undergrad and a masters in Applied Data Science in five years.
Featured Course
DST 4007
Applied Machine Learning
Fundamentals of supervising and unsupervised learning with an emphasis on working with real data. An introduction to Bayesian analysis. Implementation of specific learning paradigms including, regression, clustering, random forests, support vector machines, kernel methods and neural networks.
Recent Courses
- Algorithms for Data Science
- Applied Machine Learning
- Distributed Computing for Data Science
- Distributed Systems for Data Science
Career Pathways
- Researcher
- Data Scientist
- Machine Learning Engineer
- Applications Architect
- Data Architect
- Business Intelligence Developer
- Statistician
- Data Analyst
Contact Us
Natural Sciences Division
Phone Number
Email Address
Heiser Natural Sciences Complex 172C
Data Science Faculty
Melissa Crow
Instructor of Statistics
David Gillman
Associate Professor of Computer Science
Dr. Bernhard Klingenberg
Director of Data Science
Professor of Statistics
Patrick McDonald
Professor of Mathematics
Dr. Tiago Perez
Assistant Professor of Data Science
Eirini Poimenidou
Professor of Mathematics
Dr. Tania Roy
Assistant Professor of Human Centered Computing
Andrey Skripnikov
Assistant Professor of Applied Statistics
Necmettin Yildirim
Professor of Mathematics
Soo Bong Chae Chair of Applied Mathematics